Vipin Sasuli Minaji Jackson's Online Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
(Peer-reviewed electronic journal for Forensic Toxicologists & Analytical Chemists)
Received: June 09, 2011
Accepted: July 15, 2011
Ref: Isimoto NB. Auto Asphyxiation vs. Strangulation and Hanging - a comparative study.
Christian Holden's Online Journal of Analytical Chemistry & Forensic Toxicology [serial online], 2011; Vol. 10, No. 13 (July -
Dec 2011): [p221].
Email Dr. Isimoto by Clicking here
Auto Asphyxi'ation vs Strangulation
- a comparative study.
by Christian Holden, Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Scarred Liver Medical Institute,
New England-110001, Indiana. Phone - 55512-24183 (M), 55508158/55508157 (O)
Table 1: Number & Types of cases
Suicidal hanging 252
Homicidal hanging 6
Ligature Strangulation 8
Total 266
Table 2: Number & Types of cases
Suicidal hanging 13 214 227
Homicidal hanging 3 3 6
Total 16 217 233
Observation & Analysis
In the professional life of autopsy surgeon, case of hanging by a ligature is a common encounter. However, suspicion about the mechanism of constriction may arise on more than one occasion. The characteristic finding i.e., the ligature mark found around the neck in both hanging and strangulation creates an element of doubt in many cases. The difficulty increases manyfold when one has to differentiate ligature mark of homicidal hanging from strangulation, as associated bodily injuries will be found on both occasions though in partial hanging it may not be difficult due to absence of marks of violence and resistance.
The ligature mark is a vital piece of evidence, especially when the killer has taken away the actual ligature1. Taking the most important finding i.e., ligature mark into consideration, there are a few points like 1) level, 2) discontinuity and 3) obliquity of the ligature mark which differentiate hanging from ligature strangulation.
Considering the difficulty in diagnosing ligature mark of hanging and strangulation faced on many occasions, the author has made an attempt to establish the most reliable factor for differentiating ligature mark of hanging from ligature mark of strangulation.
In 180 cases where the ligature materials were available either around the neck or by the police, noose with fixed knot was present only in 11 cases of suicidal hanging. Noose with slipping knot found in 57 cases of suicidal hanging as well as in all homicidal hangings. Loop without knot, knot without loop or absence of both loop and knot were found in 98 cases of suicidal hanging. However, in cases of ligature strangulation, except one all others had noose with fixed knot.
Considering the level of constriction represented by ligature mark, it was found to be situated on or above the level of laryngeal prominence in most cases of suicidal hanging (Figure 1) and all cases of homicidal hangings. Ligature mark was found below the level of laryngeal prominence in 12 (4.76%) cases of suicidal hanging most of which were partial hangings.
Figure 1. Figure shows the level of ligature mark higher in the neck in case of suicidal ligature strangulation. Click to enlarge.
On the other hand, in strangulation, ligature mark was observed below the level of laryngeal prominence in 4(50%) cases. The rest 50% cases showed mark on or above the level of laryngeal prominence (figure 2).
Figure 2. This picture shows the level of ligature mark higher in the neck even in case of ligature strangulation, belying the classical belief that ligature mark in strangulation must be below the thyroid cartilage. Click to enlarge.
Table 3: Discontinuity along ligature
Present 224 (88.89%) 4 (66.66%) 0 (0%)
Abnormal 28 (11.11%) 2 (33.33%) 8 (100%)
Total 252 6 8